The Soul Felt its Worth | Ed’s Inspirations


People, People everywhere! Some looked bored or preoccupied, some looked as if they were going places and some clearly on a spectrum of physical or mental pain and living a life of endurance.  On my prayer walk around Chilliwack last week I decided to encounter every person I met with love. What would that look like, and why would I do that?

Human dignity is inherent in the human being, it isn't based on merit, not something you earn. It's not based on class or status, race, gender or abilities. All people hold a special value that is linked to their humanity and as we know originates from God.

Adolphe Adam's beautiful Hymn "Oh Holy Night" reflects on  the redemption of humanity through the birth of Jesus!

"Long lay the world in sin and error pining,

Till He appear' d and the soul felt its worth.

A thrill of hope....."

The majesty, the mystery, the astonishing wonder of the sacred within us. For the Jesus follower we see the inestimable value and worth of a human because God has put His stamp on us. We say we are made in His image, so unfathomable, so glorious, it is really too good to be true!? For the Jesus follower , all people are included, the poor, the wealthy, the famous, the infamous, the well, the sick. The stranger, the alien, the refugee and the unlovable. Yes your neighbour, that government leader you may despise , that enemy you have and the person you find yourself on the opposite side of a debate. The one that annoys you, that angers you....yes that one! Our culture today uses "wisdom" not to discover and discern the inner spirit of man, but to negate and disavow it. There is a secular trend to keep faith as far away as possible to keep the fires of nihilism burning' but life has meaning and humans are wonderful creatures (not our doing). We know this because conversely we see the depths of depravity and the suffering  around us. Humans are complex and wonderfully made, when things go wrong it lives out as profound tragedy.

The appearance of God in our world is an astounding event. As followers we have the knowledge of God who comes close, this isn't just talk, but he became us, He lived us! Incarnation! This gives us worth, this gives us value, this gives us purpose.

Who did I meet on my walk? I met a young woman in a local store. She served me well but perhaps too perfunctorily, a slightly blasé disinterested attitude. We chatted for a while, I asked questions so she would find reason to use her expertise. I gave her my attention, explored her knowledge, made eye contact. I noticed her demeanor had changed. By the time I left I noticed she was more animated and looked happier. Small things. My prayer for her was that she could face life with courage and discover her worth and the Author of that worth. That she'd be transformed by the Love that knew her from before the world came to be.

As I walked by another woman picking up a pile of "stuff". I approached and asked from a distance if I could help. Her look was one of distrust (how many profoundly sad and probably manipulative contacts she's had with humanity). I very gently, quietly said I could help. She gave me the baleful glare while bent over....she stayed there unmoving for 15 seconds. We just looked at each other. I gave her a slight gentle smile. Her answer was to push an item (almost imperceptibly)  in my direction. Wow, not expected, but I knew what it meant. I helped for a half a minute and then walked away. She didn't look at me again (I checked) and not a word was said. At first I felt good then just empty and so sad for her. I wished I could have transformed her life.  Small things.

Have you felt your worth, have you helped others see their worth. Every encounter is an opportunity to do justice!



Hope | Ed’s Inspirations


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