Regular Sunday Morning Kids Classes (Sept-June)

As a part of the value we place on generational families, we believe that our kids are not the future of our church, they are an active and vital part of our church right now. Our goal with children's ministry is to supplement and support parents in their role in leading and guiding our littlest members of our church family. We are excited to see you and your whole family on Sunday morning, however they come. We know that parenting is just as challenging as it is rewarding and we want you to know that our "come as you are" policy extends to your kids. 

Sunday mornings we have kids corner from kindie to grade 5 and a nursery space for parents of newborns to age 4. Our kids (age 3+) stay with us during worship before heading to the kids corner during the coffee break.

Summer Kids Corner

During the summer months, our kids are welcomed to our kids corner at the back of the service. There will be crafts and quiet activities supplied. There is also a nursery for ages 0-4.

Our Team

Erin Schartner started attending Chilliwack Vineyard in 2000. After a four-year pilgrimage, she returned to her home church in the summer of 2022 with the intention of replanting her roots, grounding her children, and participating in community together. She is joined every other week by her two children Myla and Gustin Campbell. 

Erin is passionate about being an authentic follower of Jesus and what it means to be his disciple. She loves that Jesus sees the individual person, that he calls out their dignity and value, and in doing so he restores their humanity. She has a love for children and is intentional about ensuring each child feels seen and validated. Erin is excited to step into the role of Kid's Ministry Leader. Using her interest in language, Erin hopes to cultivate an exploration of God's word, the rich and deep meaning contained within it, and what it reveals about His character. She hopes this will inspire and motivate children to develop a deep, personal, intimate, and authentic relationship with God and a disciple of Jesus. 

Volunteers Wanted!

If you’re interested in volunteering with the youth please email us at! You will also need to fill out a criminal record check.